Friday, 29 October 2010

Tree Searching

Information and knowledge are not the same. Online search engines have a wealth of information but they may not impart any knowledge that is of use to the seeker. A popular TV commercial has people conversing using information searches from various search sites and it ends up in meaningless chaos.

What does this have to do with the care and preservation of trees? Plenty. If you were looking for a particular plant disease, for instance, Rhizosphera needle cast , a disease that can seriously injure Colorado Blue Spruce, your search is just as likely to end up looking at knitting needles or plaster cast construction guides. While this information is extremely useful it may not be the knowledge that you need to see what is defoliating your trees.

Chronic Google Heads spend hours trying to sift through useless information for a kernel of sound knowledge. How do I know this? more and more often while meeting with new clients I have to impart knowledge that I have gained through rigorous study and years of field observations to counter a few hours of Google searching. Some information is just not relevant to the particular species or cultivar, and other information is excluded because of geography, climate or soil conditions.

On one hand I am excited and encouraged by the clients enthusiasm and energy to help their plants, on the other hand it is discouraging to see so many people being side tracked by useless information. I guess that was part of my original purpose for writing this series of monthy press releases over the past 8 years.

The starting point for identifying tree and shrub problems is always correctly identifying the plant, and then the disease or insect that is affecting it.

The missing link in all this searching is a dedicated, informed expert who is capable of determining what is the best course of action to correct the problem your particular tree or shrub is having. Sometimes the best action is no action!

I.S.A.Certified Arborists are knowledgeable in identifying trees, shrubs and the diseases and insects that affect them. Take the time to consult with your Certified Arborist if you suspect your tree has a problem that may reduce its ability to thrive. The knowledge you gain will benefit your trees and save you time by not becoming Google-mired.